The bridge to our first Line.... the practice line... Bridge looks nice and solid... it is... but it is hanging from cables... no more than eight folks on it at a time... swayed like the original Galloping Gertie... We were excited and anxious all at the same time!

In case I don't see you again, honey... I love you... Let's go!

In case I don't see you again, honey... I love you... Let's go!

Coming down from the first line, they had us practicing different techniques for slowing down, speeding up, braking... etc... Course, when the camera came out, we did our best exaggeration!

This is a really bad pic of me... but, had to post it, so you knew I was on the trip

The other approaches to our lines were on cable type bridge thingees.... again... one at a time best, if two, each must take steps at the same time or it's a crazy ride!
Had the sense of mind to take a picture of Jerry and the ocean in the background ... It was so awesome... Each line we were able to ride side by side... I just had the camera out and snapped without looking through it. Golly gosh, they turned out pretty good!
Peek at the Ocean.... We were up at about 2000 feet

After the first four lines, we were brought up to the top of the hill/mountain.... this was for the last two Ziplines. One of which was 2800 feet long.... We loved it... Here you are looking out to the West Maui Mountains, Molokai, and Kahului in the valley...
After the first four lines, we were brought up to the top of the hill/mountain.... this was for the last two Ziplines. One of which was 2800 feet long.... We loved it... Here you are looking out to the West Maui Mountains, Molokai, and Kahului in the valley...
Ahhhhh... proof we were there!!!!!!
After three hours of fun, had lunch at this yummy place Julie Andersen recommended... Lemon/Ginger/Coconut Rum drink for me... soooooo good, a superb meal... and since it was lunch, the prices did not break our bank (cuz dinner prices certainly would!!!!)
How adventuresome & fun!! Definitely on my "list" to do!