Monday, June 30, 2008

It's about the seat folks!

Okay... This frustrates me.... more states than not, have no toilet seat covers in the restrooms for women. I'm not just talking at the airports, but even in the cities.... Whoever the toilet seat cover salesperson is, please make it over to the midwest and east coast.... Jeez.....

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Broadway, Outdoors and Tension

Sure is pretty and green here.... they haven't had all the heat they ususally do and the flora shows that. Yesterday we went to see "42nd Street" at the Chanhassen Theater.... had lunch and saw an absolutely entertaining show. Some very talented people and we were sure an appreciative audience. Topped that experience off by going to MOA (Mall of America) to buy Halley some tops for summer. $300 later, we have some tops.....

Today, we went to services only to find no one was at the church. Ended up they were having their service at a park and coinciding it with a "Hope Walk" they were putting on for young children in Africa with aides. We got to the park and it was really nice. Great music, you just get a snippet in the video below and pretty site....

Lunch got kinda testy.... we had to have a money discussion with Halley and Dan... She never does well.... They both don't process information correctly and conversation deterioates pretty quickly. All is good now...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Thunder and Biodiesel

Today started off early.... went to see a new way of making biodiesel that leaves almost no waste (water, glycerol or anything). Pretty cool.... Lots of really scientific talk... almost had to say... "no comprend". Awesome that scientist out there are working to improve our world.

Came home to a thunderstorm.... was fun... not very big, just dark and some rain. Ciao!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I can't believe it!

Good flight, flew over a thunderstorm, got a bit bouncy, but nothing alarming. Now here's the funny part....

After deplaning, Jer had to use the restroom (He had a captive audience next to him on the plane and he chatted non-stop the whole flight, lol... He didn't want to take time on the plane, if you get my drift.... he might lose this guys attention!) Anyway, he went into the restroom, and came out pretty quickly with a really odd look on his face..... THERE WAS A LINE!.... he said, that only happens in the women's restroom... was quite a hoot!

A Birthday Celebration in Minnesota!

We're off today for H's birthday. Spose to be nice in the burg here, and same goes for there. We have a little robin's nest, in the climbing trellis in the front of the house, where we can see momma keeping her kidlets alive... I think.... haven't heard many peeps, but when we spied on them, they were small, covered in down and snoozing... Hope they're still here when we return!