Up early, today’s the day we travel to a
spot across the Atlantic: Morocco via a quick layover in Paris…
meaning, hanging out at the airport for couple hours. Have our
papers in order (we hope), negative Covid test results, and,
suitcases all packed… well mostly, a few more things to put in.
It’s quiet in the house and I just put the coffee on. Later
tonight…. Or tomorrow I guess… I’ll recap what the lengthy
travel day was like and maybe
not!!!!It's not only now 'tomorrow' but the day after tomorrow! Long travel time, but was pretty much smooth and we really appreciated being met by our Travel Rep at customs and it was pretty slick getting into the country. So... the adventure begins shortly... And of course, the pics are in reverser order...
First Glimpse of Morocco from the Sky!
Four Seasons...
View from our room...
Breakfast with a view of the Atlantic!
Happy to see you made it to Morocco safely and your arrival was smooth. Thanks for the update & pics. Enjoy!!