So we left Maui in the afternoon after a late night. The night before we went in town and saw the magic show “Warren and Annabelle’s”…. highly, highly recommend it. Didn’t get home till after midnight… But, sure was nice lazing in bed the next morning. Got up, packed, bought a coconut to mail to Halley, checked out of the resort and headed up to Napili for lunch and some time killing by enjoying a beach and our books.
Left for theWest Maui Airport … a little place for little planes! Like I said, the takeoff, first 100 feet… sweet…. Then for the next minute, YOWZA… was not expecting that… but, everyone else didn’t seem concerned, so I put the brave smile on my face. Finally got through that, and the rest of the flight was great. Rain had just passed over the Lanai so the air was so sweet smelling.
This island is so unlike the rest that we have visited. Population… 3000… only two resorts and one motel on the island… and a true place to relax…. No luau’s advertised, no tourist shops all over… loving it…
One last shot of the falls at the Westin
Left for the
This island is so unlike the rest that we have visited. Population… 3000… only two resorts and one motel on the island… and a true place to relax…. No luau’s advertised, no tourist shops all over… loving it…
Our room is sorta perched near the water… the waves crash, I see a blowhole in the distance, a Plumaria Tree outside our deck, and birds sweetly chattering… nothing obnoxious. We plan on some geocaching while here… Jerry’s working on a few business transactions (have to create income you know).
Later today we will venture out and use our four wheel drive Jeep… headed to “Garden of the God’s”… Lanai’s version.
One last shot of the falls at the Westin

Awesome indeedy!