Friday, February 12, 2016

Reality of Los Angeles Traffic as We Head East!

Just realized we were leaving Santa Barbara and heading to Rancho Mirage on a Friday afternoon before a three day weekend... dumb, dumb, dumb! 
Traffic was awful... probably took us almost two hours longer to get to our destination.  The nice thing is... Our destination is beautiful and relaxing at friends Brent and Nan.  And now, for some down time!  The view from their home on the course is beautiful!  Very nice after what we'd been looking at for the hours before!

 ahhhhhh, peaceful...quiet....comfy....take a breath!


  1. Once did a similar trek--headed out of downtown San Francisco to Stockton Weds late afternoon day before Thanksgiving......duh.....heehee!

  2. oh look a windmill farm! Love the palm trees :-)
