Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Leg Two... Covered Bridges and a Stop to Visit Dale & Keri

Oregon is known for it's many covered bridges.  We thought we would check out a couple.  Now, how can I say this nicely?  We were so disappointed... why?  Because the bridges we checked out all have been refurbished in the last 20 years... and, one, the Centennial Bridge in Cottage Grove, was built as a mini-reproduction to celebrate the centennial of the town I guess.  
As I think about it, I'm sure that the bridges would need to be kept up and the age of them probably truly would make them dangerous, so they need to be refurbished... I guess, now that we know that, we won't be a disappointed... Still, we did get some Bridge Pictures!
Jerry has family in Eugene, Oregon, so we stopped and visited Dale and his daughter Keri.  Dale had been in the hospital but is now back at his home... but still not 100%.  Dale looks way better than the pics.  Dale was stooping so all of us would be in the picture.  He really doesn't walk around stooped!
The rest of the trip home from that point on was long as we did a bypass through the town of Allyn... checking out the beach house and the new fireplace... awesome!!!!

The old RailRoad Bridge...

Since Jerry had that blod clot in January (it's all gone now), he wears compression stockings to keep it from happening again... He loves the dapper look with his shorts!!!!  so do I!!!
 Love my gobble neck... it takes guts to post pics like that... but, hey, that's what I look like... DAMN... call that plastic surgeon!
 Yup, the railroad bridge is brand new.... but built like the old one!  it's TALL!
 This is the replica one... disappointed we were...

 The pic is blurry, it's not your eyes... I guess the camera was disapponted in this bridge too!
 This one was further out... it's next to the road... and actually, had the flavor of what it really looked like.  

 Dale was using the walker to get around ... alrighty kids, lets take a pic,.. get ready...
 There.. now you have Jean in the pic...
 And... tada... the fireplace...

1 comment:

  1. Better refurbished safe than sorry I guess.....Don't call the plastic surgeon, I too have several gobbly photos, oh well.......
