Monday, October 24, 2011

Thought we were done with Malta…. But, no! The Blue Grotto and Hagar Qim

Up for a lazy morning, lazy breakfast and we thought a lazy day… And what d’ya know? We are suddenly arranging for a taxi and going to the opposite coast of the Island and visiting “The Blue Grotto” and then ruins from 3000BC, Hagar Qim… Seeing the ruins was nowhere on our radar, but my cousin John mentioned it in a comment on Facebook to me… and we thought… Hey, we’re here.. lets do it.
Easy enough ride there…so much faster than a bus or tour group. Bought out tickets for the Blue Grotto… I knew it would be a boat ride, but I was picturing a tour boat type of vessel… but no… look for yourself at the pictures. There was a bit of chop on the water, but all in all it wasn’t too bad. No communicating once your travelling… that little motor makes a lot of noise! The advantage to such a small boat… you get up close and personal with the rocks and the water. Very, Very picturesque… Glad we did it!
Next, just a hop, skip and a jump away we went to the temple ruins. Saw the informational museum and movie, then off to the ruins, up close and personal. They have rigged a “skookum”, as Jerry would say, tent to help protect them. These stones were even older than what we saw at Pompeii Italy… It was something to think how they built it all… Malta… a very, very rich history I never expected.

We got out of the taxi (Mercedes are the car of choice here for taxi's).... bought out tickets and walked down the hill.  I figured the big tour boat would be there...

Here's our big tour boat!.... Driver, and about 8 of us in the boat..3 were young kids

Off we go... see the spray from the rolling waves... wheeeeeeee.... and we had no safety briefing before we took off... didn't even think of that until just now as I'm typing...

The stone formations and water were beautiful

Can you say clear....?

Our Skipper.... the only time he ever said anything was when we were near the rocks and he would say... 'see how blue and clear!'....

Looking down from the road above at the inlet we had left from...

The 5000 year old stone temples and the canvas cover Jerry was impressed with.

What you see through the two stones is an island out in the water. Not inhabited and as a matter of fact, the British used it as target practice years and years ago... reminds me of that poor island in Hawaii that the US did the same thing with.

One last view of the Grotto from above....

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