When the Diva’s are out and aboot… time gets all messed up. Saturday found yours truly having too much of an affair with the cammode…. Egads… Barely leave, and I have the worse case of travelers lament…. No, no fun… ended up missing going into Victoria with all the girls. They had a drink while there and toasted me… NOT FAIR!
Felt a bit better by the late afternoon…. Cyn, Julie, Debbie came back early from their explore, and I joined them for a sandwich on the lido deck… a very bland sandwich to say the least for me!.... Anyway, the rest of the gang showed up later and by now, I was feeling more in the mood for socializing and going out. Had a wonderful dinner… meatloaf… who’d a thought comfort food at a fancy restaurant… PERFECT I said.
Spent the evening on our deck… Laughing, talking, Julie doing her Zumba moves, and just having an all around good time.
Pics are of the girls when they went to Victoria….
Love exploring Victoria! Perhaps a cup of tea would settle your tummy.....:( Hope the rest of your cruise continues to be fun!
Bummer about getting sick...but have fun the rest of the trip! :) Looks beautiful! Patti :)