And we're off again.... This time Jillian, Oliver and Darren are with us. A trip to Winthop, Wa over the North Cascades Hwy..... gorgeous.... Picked Jillian and Darren up after they worked half day at their offices and then we were on the road.
The North Cascades Hwy has been open for about a month, and the mountain cliff streams and waterfalls... gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Hey, looks like I might even be in a few pictures... Darren's pretty good about that! Thanks D!....Got to our little house about 6ish... settle our stuff in and then decided to go into town for dinner.... Look at Oliver in the window... you can kinda see him... He really wanted to go with us, but, alas, he really is just our dog... not a person... Had a yummy meal at Three Finger Jack's, a couple drinks, some pool and then back to the house. I swear, even the air smells better here... so peaceful!
Great pics! Incredible beauty. Enjoy all!!