Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Shower of Whale Snot!

Yesterday lived up to our expectaions ! We say whales up close and persona…. Well, not too close, against the law. Pretty cool…. But close enough, the spray that comes out when they spout (Blow) drifted over to us!.... Hence the ‘whale snot’. The longer we were out, we found the water got kinda sloppy, as the trades were really kicking up. But, the trip was so worth it. At the end, we saw a Mama whale breech, then her baby breech…. And do we have a pic…………noooooooooooo…. You have to have your camera on 24/7, always looking through it and, well, I don’t do that. But trust us, it was a beautiful sight! Good news to on the skin front…. No sunburns…. That 50x lotion did it’s job. Did get a little ‘wind burn’ feeling on the face, sorty dry feeling, but that was it! My word, a whale just breeched in front of the hotel. Okay…. I’m off!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely know what you mean trying to get whale photos. These are great! Enjoy,,,,,,,,,
