Griffin…. Boy did we see something really interesting! A whale died about a month ago and the carcass was pushed on the shore. The animals have been eating the carcass ever since and I got some pictures of a bear munching down. It was something!
We were in one part of Glacier Bay… and then moved to other parts to see Glaciers. I will post pics of that later. Griffin, some of the Park Rangers are on our boat telling us all about this National Park here in Alaska. Have ever been interested in being a park ranger? They shared so much interesting information, like there are seals that bring their pups on the little ice flows… we didn’t see any so we just had to take her word for it!
Yikes, what a sight. Not something you see every day in Lakewood. Great pictures.
Darn it, I forgot to check in before he went to bed but he is going to LOVE this!! Interesting and kind of gross... right up a 7 year old's alley :) Thanks so much for including him/us in your adventures.