You all know our journeys (and sometimes our 'events' just around here)... Now come along and join us...IGNORE MY SPELLING... I'm typing in a hurry... Drop a comment or two.... I like to know someone is reading this!!!
Friday, December 24, 2010
It's the holidays... and the sweets are being prepared
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Christmas, Cold, Must Be Minneapolis!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Pike Place Market November Birthday, Anniversary and Turkey Day!
Came home on Saturday, and I spent Sunday making the Turkey Dinner tradition. We ended up with the best of both worlds....
Had to reduce the picture quality in the slide show, but I think you will get the drift of the fun time we had....
Sunday, November 21, 2010
It's been a long time...
So, just dropping a note to let you know we are still around and will blog as our journey's get going again!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Figured the trip should end the way it started...
with Halley and Dan sleeping...
We spent the morning at the Capilano Suspension Bridge. It's a fancy park now, but the charm and nice feature is that it is so close to the city, yet feels so far. The whole of the grounds is very, very peaceful. As for the bridge, it's about the height of the Statue of Liberty and the width of two airplanes, put wing to wing. And, boy did that bridge sway and wiggle as folks walked on it.... We had to hang onto the sides. Ms Halley skipped the journey across as she doesn't like heights... Her unsteadiness was a big question in my mind too...
after a couple hours there...we started for the border...decided to go the Blaine Station since the Peace Arch was so busy before...figured it would be quicker...wrong...three hours to go 7 miles.... it was ugly.... once across, traffic was fine.
So, here we are at home... Laundry to do, bills to pay, all that fun stuff that we call reality!
Griffin.... all we could see were the dorsal fins!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Deadliest Catch!
Wondered how we could top the Glaciers yesterday…. Well, we equaled the experience doing something totally different. We arrived in Ketchikan about 9:30 in the morning… All of us got off the boat and did the obligatory walk around town… Ketchikan has a population of about 15000, but we hung out mostly near the tourist traps…. Stores everywhere, just like Skagway, Juneau, St Marten… we found a couple ‘local’ shops’ and a local restaurant for lunch. Also, we got to see an Eagle and a Hawk up close and personal! Then, our fun really began!
We went on a trip on the Aleutian Ballad, a boat from Season 2 of Deadliest Catch. Obviously its been retired…. And then retrofitted just a bit for us tourists. The captain and the staff (5 of them) have all been crab, etc fishermen (well, and women) from the Bering Sea. They had put some crab pots out about 2 hours from Ketchikan (which they do bait for us tourists) and we saw how the whole thing works. We even saw some crab that the evil octopus in this area chowed down on. Three large crab came up DEAD in the pot… you could see where the ‘beak’ of the Octopus pounces on the poor crab main shell. Was something! These guys were good men besides also being good entertainers. Tomorrow they will be taking disabled Vet’s out on the boat on a special trip! Like I said, good guys! Also saw “The Time Bandit” at hook in the bay… You know, I thought these boats were way bigger than they really are. They are not that large… makes the whole show and what goes on even scarier!
Oh yeah… got to see Bald Eagle nest, and the mom and dad, and the dad came down and grabbed a fish from the water…. I tried to catch a picture…. No such luck… It was so awesome! We hear the chicks in the nest all excited when that tasty dish came to them.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Glacier Bay....
Sorry the quaility of photos is not the best..... I had to reduce it in order to get it to upload quicker....
A Whale of a Tale Griffin
Griffin…. Boy did we see something really interesting! A whale died about a month ago and the carcass was pushed on the shore. The animals have been eating the carcass ever since and I got some pictures of a bear munching down. It was something!
We were in one part of Glacier Bay… and then moved to other parts to see Glaciers. I will post pics of that later. Griffin, some of the Park Rangers are on our boat telling us all about this National Park here in Alaska. Have ever been interested in being a park ranger? They shared so much interesting information, like there are seals that bring their pups on the little ice flows… we didn’t see any so we just had to take her word for it!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Halley and Dan opted to have dinner on the “Lido” deck in the evening, so Jerry and I had the table all to ourselves. Was nice…
Meltdown... and I'm not talking about a Glacier!
When in Juneau, we were suppose to go on a float plane trip to ice fields, etc. The weather was overcast, pretty low ceiling, then the shore excursion concierge called and said the pilots could not fly…she had some other suggestions, and would call back in 10 minutes for our decision. She had more folks to call and said we would probably not be able to get through if we tried calling back with our decision., hence she would call us.
So, after, some spirited conversation on the other trips we might like, Jer and I came to an agreement. So we wait for the call, and wait, and wait, and wait…. Decide to go to the concierge on our floor and he couldn’t really help cuz the shore excursion phone he couldn’t get through to either…. Back to our room… tick tock tick tock… MELTDOWN… POOR ME…. I do all this work… no one cares, they just sit around and wait… no one is proactive…. Woe is me….. I eventually left the room for a walk around the ship on the 3rd floor. The ship is EMPTY mostly cuz most folks are out on their shore excursions. Called one of by sisters so I could share my feelings… then, I had an aha moment… I’ll have a glass of wine (time is about 2:30)… since we are at shore… ALL Bars are closed…. Egads…. So, my next idea, cuz I am wound up tighter than a tick… A neck, back, foot massage and a facial…………… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, they’re not busy (cuz most folks are ashore)….at 3:45 they got me in and I finally relaxed…. Mary… My muscles were a mess!
Meantime, while I was gone, Jerry, Halley and Dan went to town on foot. So, in the end we all ended up in a good place. Had a fabulous dinner in the Pinnacle Grill, a super waitperson, FLO, who made it all the more enjoyable… Champagne and then Wine…..Life was again good!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Tracy Arm
Woke up early to see the Tracy Arm Fjord….. Overcast… a bit of a drizzle…. But very, very grand! We even saw a bear on an area called Mud Flat…. Course, you can barely (get it) see him in the photo, even on zoom. With the binoculars’ it was great…. Oh well…
This big ship was so close to the walls… hard to believe. Had to go very, very slow and no overhead announcements: just trying to keep the area as pristine as they can. Was a little chilly out, but not too bad. Nice to be in your cabin, on the deck and see it all. Dang it... this internet on the boat is soooooo slow.... I had a movie to upload.... it won't even budge.... I'll try later.... But trust me, this is all sooooo beeeeaaaaauuuutiful!
A day at sea....
Beautiful Day at Sea…. Gorgeous Vistas…. I think the pictures say it all.
Had our first ‘formal’ dinner in the evening. Yummy food on this ship! Halley and Dan brought the movie “Up” over to our cabin afterwards. Cute Flick!
Griffin…. Well, we saw a lot of Killer Whales, but as soon as you bring out the camera, it seems they all dive and then you can’t tell where they are gonna come up. But, I do have a picture of a Polar Bear…. Well, not really… It’s just a statue they have next to the pool.
I am writing this note the next morning and we are traveling in a Fjord, Tracy Arm…. Just stupendous! Pictures coming later. So, I want to enjoy the view we have today… so, I’ll write later!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Griffin, I just saw a whale and DARN...
And we are sailing along!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Nice evening in Vancouver before the trip!
Walked around the city for dinner, just in our little area next to the water. I have always loved Vancouver.... so pretty! Walked a bit of the waterfront and then saw the Flame Candles from the Olympics. They weren't lit, but still pretty nice....
Thought I would include one of the pics we always get of H and D when we are on these trips.... Dan took a different poise this time... Also, pics of the views as we walked....
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Found a map of our trip!

So here is our journey.... We go up the "inside passage". The tours that leave from Seattle go the outside passage... so, this seemed much more appealing to us. Halley has already called about 15 times the last three days... she is very, very excited.... we all are. The weather, well, it will not be summer.... mostly in l0w 60s... drizzle now and then... maybe some sun... But we are pumped.... more to come. We pick up H and D at the airport and then go on to Vancouver and spend the night before we set sail..... Ahhhh, I hear the "Love Boat" theme...even though we are on Holland America.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Getting Ready for Alaska....
Halley and Dan have been calling frequently as they prepare for this adventure. Its been warm in Minnepolis but the weather will be just a bit cooler on our cruise. After the cruise, they will be staying here in TTown for a bit more than a week. They have to pack for a little of everything.
I'll try to keep up on the blogs while we travel. We are so very blessed and we thank God for that!
Monday, August 16, 2010
A great trip home across the straits to Home Sweet Home....
The Dragon Boat races were going on in the inner harbor... got to watch that a bit... Tacoma's Dragon Boat wasn't there, but made the news anyway... It capsized in the Thea Foss Waterway in Commencement Bay in T-Town. Kinda funny.
Anyway... we are home temporarily...till our next venture...
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Just as hot here in BC as it is in Tacoma....
We were also right next to China Town....
Love, Love, Love our digs.... had to post pics...
Friday, August 13, 2010
Victoria British Columbia.... Gorgeous!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Mt Hood.... Just Jean and Julie... a girls getaway!
We walked the first morning on a beautiful trail... First half was mostly uphill... and with the thinner air, I was huffin and puffin a bit... but it was all worth it... even the mosquito bite on my pointer finger.... yup, thats where I got bit!
Took lots and lots of pics... only posting a few! Visited Hood River (that's a town) on Tuesday and saw the newly reopened Columbia Gorge Hotel.... highly recommend it... very very nice!