We are settled in and just starting to explore this island. It's so different that the rest of Hawaii. Where we are there is NO volcanic activity.... but, you can tell there was a long time ago. In some areas as we drove on the highway, there was nothing but old black lava. It then changes to arid fields. Course, the resorts and small towns are 'green'.... We drove to a town about 20 miles north last night and had the best dinner. Little place off the beaten track.... The food was really upscale...that means, expensive.... but it was good and we got 20% off cuz we go there before six.... gee does that mean we're getting old.... no, we were just sill on Tacoma time.... (9:00pm)

Hey Griffin, on one of our "explores" we saw this gecko. Look, he has little spots he put on to make himself look like the spores on the ferns... You should have seem him in person... it was cool.
Well, I'm settling into Island mode.... I will write more later, but I'm feeling the need to veg out for a bit....
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