So, on a Monday, Jillian said she really would like to go to Mt Rainier before she started her new job... and Jean and Jer wanted to go too... rearranging some schedules and Jean helping Jerry get a bunch of stuff done, we were able to make a quick trip to "The Mountain". You know, we forget what beauty we have right her in our backyard. It was a beautiful day...our only frustration... that we couldn't have left earlier in the day!
There were so many 'out of towners' there... Yup... we have a gem located a short distance from home!
Of course, road construction on the way...

Jillian... it's behind you!

Alway a smart-a** in every group!

Nisqually Glacier!.... so beautiful! and so much smaller. It looks like rock, but that's dirty snow!

Mother Nature made a smiley face on the tree!

The same glacier, looking way up at it from teh road.

The car was on Electric, all the way down from the top!