There a little town here on Grand Cayman’s called ‘Hell’… there is even a post office there, so you can send letters postmarked from Hell.... We can now say, we’ve been to Hell and can talk about it. The town has been around since about 1930. Its’ name comes from a surreal field of jagged black limestone and dolomite rocks which is located behind the Post Office. Over 24 million years, salt and lime deposits have solidified shells, coral and skeletons of sea life into this pitted, black rockscape, sounds fishy to me, I mean the 24 million years thing, but that’s what the sign there said. Anyway, it was fun and something I think not many of our friends can say they have done… and in reality, I’m glad they can’t… cuz… well, that might mean…?
Spent more time in the ocean today… the water here is so, so blue… while the sand is white… you walk on it in the heat of the day and it is still cool to your feet. This is our last full day here, so we really wanted to soak in some good memories!
The moon here is full… well, I guess it is out your way too… so, that sorta ties us all together…no matter where we are!

Spent more time in the ocean today… the water here is so, so blue… while the sand is white… you walk on it in the heat of the day and it is still cool to your feet. This is our last full day here, so we really wanted to soak in some good memories!
The moon here is full… well, I guess it is out your way too… so, that sorta ties us all together…no matter where we are!
Notice Jerry... Notice the sign above him... Hades... notice the airconditioner bottom right... guess they have cool air in Hell!
Drove to Morgan Harbor for dinner after Hell... these are Wahoo fish... and that's what I had for dinner... yummmy... don't think it was these exact fish... We were chatting with some local fishermen and took the pic then... gee... I hope these weren't the ones....
This rooster was soooo colorful... they run around everywhere here...