We drove across the pass to Leavenworth for a wedding of one of Jerry's office mates. The weather was superb... good thing... it was outdoors... While Tacoma was having its' overcast day, we were soaking in the 78 degree weather... When all the celebratin' was done, we spent the evening at the "Enzian Inn"... in Leavenworth... Very nice little place... check out our bed! They also had an 18 hole putting course... PuttPutt with real grass. Jer and I took a round in. We figure, we crossed a small bridge over the stream, so that counted as a bridge in the town... but, alas, we didn't get a photo of us on it... boohoo!
We came home Sunday and Jillian and I whisked Jerry off for a Father's Day Event: the LeMay Car Museum. He was quite crazy about the place. Personally, Jillian and I were too, but after 2 hours... our excitement started to wain.... AND, Jer (and a couple others) kept asking questions of the tour guide. We were finally done after 45 more minutes... Mr LeMay was quite the eclectic collector.
We drove on home and surprised Jer with one more thing.... A brand new PingPong Table.... He said it was the bestest Father's Day gift... We did good!