Seymour Botanical Conservatory at Wrights Park has a great exhibit going on right now. Dale Chihuly's work is on display throughout the flora in the conservatory. It's an artistic interpretation of the plants and is really something. If you're in the Tacoma area, check it out... It's only here through February.

You all know our journeys (and sometimes our 'events' just around here)... Now come along and join us...IGNORE MY SPELLING... I'm typing in a hurry... Drop a comment or two.... I like to know someone is reading this!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Dashing through the Snow on a 757!
Can we say "De-Iceing"? The Minneapolis Airport has it down to a real system. After you leave the gate, all the planes go to a de-icing station... they do three at a time. All the while, the snow plows keep working the runways. Our flight was delayed due to the inbound flight, we then had to wait at the de-icing place, so we were about an 1 1/2 hours late landingin Tacoma. Then another ONE hour for a luggage... geesh... but we were safe... 
The drive home was tense. Freeways had cars but there was compact snow on the roads. Once we got past the Tacoma Dome, there was a car right in front of us that did a 180 and was now facing us. Jer had to do some manuevering so that we stayed out of it. Fortunately, no one got hurt and Jer could see in his rear mirror the car got turned around and non of the upcoming traffic ran into him. We got home at 8... and boy, it was nice to be home (oh yeah, to more snow)!

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Snow, Snow, Snow...
Nice cold day yesterday, but no new snow during the day.... Had our mini-Christmas with H & D and then had a great dinner at McCormick and Schmick's where we celebrated Jerry's birthday. Very yummy and our menus (they print them everyday) had "Happy Birthday Jerry" imprinted on it. Dan had Alaska Crab Legs (the menu noted they were from the "Early Dawn" that is on the "Deadliest Catch" television show).
Woke up this morning to new snow falling from the sky. Figures, when it's time for us to go home, we get dumped on. We're going to the airport early and hopefully, the weather they expect in Washington at SeaTac won't arrive until after we've landed. Cya ya'll soon...
Woke up this morning to new snow falling from the sky. Figures, when it's time for us to go home, we get dumped on. We're going to the airport early and hopefully, the weather they expect in Washington at SeaTac won't arrive until after we've landed. Cya ya'll soon...
Friday, December 19, 2008
At the Ordway Theater: White Christmas
We had such a nice day yesterday...cold to say the least, but warm and toasty inside. The highlight was our drive to St Paul in the evening to see "White Christmas" at the Orway Theater. The facility was like a miniature Radio City Music Hall. The show was so cool.... Very similar to the movie, but totally with it's own take, some additional music and done it a fabulous way. And, at the end, it SNOWED in the whole theater. You hear the whole audience go 'ahhhh'.
We were suppose to have a huge snowstrom last evening, but it just managed to spit about an Inch. Oh well, we
heard T-Town had more than we did. Today we go out and celebrate Jerry's Birthday and Halley and Dan will open just one of their presents....

We were suppose to have a huge snowstrom last evening, but it just managed to spit about an Inch. Oh well, we
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Can we say cold?
Good flight out here... left home this AM and it was snowing; fortunately, it stopped (and even spit some rain) while we were at the airport. Anyway, got here to 8 degrees.... and fortunately a light wind and NO snow. It dumped on the city yesterday, so it's now and white and still clean. Tomorrow we get to see "White Christmas" at the Ordway Theater downtown. Looking forward to that.... btw, no bridge pictures this visit.... too cold to get out there and pose!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Been a while, but we're going on the Road again...

Christmas visit with H and D.... After a busy week of Christmas functions (our pic is from the PLU concert and dessert soiree), tomorrow we head to Minneapolis. Been cold here in our burg, (below freezing all week), but, if you can believe it, even colder in Minneapolis... says a high of 1..... talk to ya later...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Giddy-Up Giddy-up on the trail!
Actually, a little late in posting.... We went horseback riding and had a blast... Wiggy, Marvin and Apache were our escorts. The area here is full of fall color and being on the horses in the midst of it all was so awesome! Course, today, our joints at that end of our body are a little sore. Was way fun and a great way to see the scenery up close. We got off, and you see the results!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What a spectacular morning! Look at the Bucks!
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Sisters are on their way to Sun Mountain Lodge
Well, we are off.... This morning the rain is quite steady here in Tacoma so we'll have a soggy journey across the North Cascades Highway.... Hopefully as the day progresses it will calm down. Will fill you in on the trip as possible....
We have arrived..... great trip through the pass.... even had it snowing at the top. The resort is beautiful.... got here late in the afternoon; can't wait to see it tomorrow... spose to be a really clear day... we shall see. Oh, btw, we saw lots and lots of deer once we got to Winthrop (for you hunters, sorry, we saw no bucks!)
We have arrived..... great trip through the pass.... even had it snowing at the top. The resort is beautiful.... got here late in the afternoon; can't wait to see it tomorrow... spose to be a really clear day... we shall see. Oh, btw, we saw lots and lots of deer once we got to Winthrop (for you hunters, sorry, we saw no bucks!)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
What happen to the Edina Mill Bridge?
Well, we've been to Costco... Life is complete... H spent over $250 on supplies and stuff... And we didn't even get everything on her list! Earlier Saturday morning, Jer and I attended the GLC Parents meeting. Sure is nice to be with folks who have the same situations with their young adults.... It's the old "walk a mile in my shoes."
As for what's going on today, well, we went to church at CPC and on the way passed the Edina Mill Bridge... That's one of the bridges in the pictures to the right. They're doing some kind of construction on it. It's now shut down, blocked and looks to be shored up. I think after 35W collasped, all the bridges in Minneapolis have been given the once over. They have alot being rebuilt, fixed or ? Pretty interesting.
This evening we see Phil and Tina for dinner. We've always enjoyed having them along! Lots of laughing. I'm off now... lots to do....
As for what's going on today, well, we went to church at CPC and on the way passed the Edina Mill Bridge... That's one of the bridges in the pictures to the right. They're doing some kind of construction on it. It's now shut down, blocked and looks to be shored up. I think after 35W collasped, all the bridges in Minneapolis have been given the once over. They have alot being rebuilt, fixed or ? Pretty interesting.
This evening we see Phil and Tina for dinner. We've always enjoyed having them along! Lots of laughing. I'm off now... lots to do....
Friday, October 3, 2008
Fall in Minneapolis
Some color is coming in the leaves of the trees.... Great, clear sunny day, temp about 60-65 and brisk breeze.... Gee I sound like a weather report. Jer had his board meeting today and I did some window shopping and finished my Stephanie Plum book.
This evening Halley and Dan brought two new GLC members along for dinner at Macaroni Grill... Ann and Carey.... Very nice young ladies..... Asked Dan how he felt about all the estrogen hanging around him.... he laughed and said it was rough! Of course I love Ann, she said I didn't look my age at all when Jerry told her how old I was.... I'm not posting my age, so don't look for it here....
This evening Halley and Dan brought two new GLC members along for dinner at Macaroni Grill... Ann and Carey.... Very nice young ladies..... Asked Dan how he felt about all the estrogen hanging around him.... he laughed and said it was rough! Of course I love Ann, she said I didn't look my age at all when Jerry told her how old I was.... I'm not posting my age, so don't look for it here....
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Parasailing on the Puget Sound
What a way to spend a Saturday Afternoon on the Puget Sound.... Megan and I didn't go up, but Jillian and her dad did and it looked fun!!!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Crystal Mountain Summit Lodge
Mother's Day was a bit of a flop this year, so J and J planned a redo.... and it was gorgeous!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Continuing to live up to it's reputation
Today started out with high hopes of a sunny day, but alas, it hasn't really come yet. Earlier, we went to the "jetty" at Fort Stevens. Jer, Joe, Rita, Kyle, HollyKate and Myles(in a back pack on Kyle) walked a bit while Mary D and I sat on the lookout. (She has a boot on because of a broken ankle so couldn't walk out.) It was sunny there tho a bit windy. The jetty itself is about a mile and half long, created in the 30's by the Corps of Engineers to somewhat control how the mouth of the Columbia River and The Pacific Ocean come together. It has made the passage to the Columbia much safer. As we drove away, we seem to drive right back into the marine layer hanging over Gearhart and Seaside.
Sad news today.... this morning around 6:45, a plane crashed into a vacation home in Gearhart... the two on the plane were killed; in the home, there were three injured and three more young children killed. Two of the adults in the home had gone for an early morning walk.... imagine coming home to the catastrophe. The home was being rented for a family reunion. Our prayers are with the families, the neighbors, the town.... It's so sad.
Sad news today.... this morning around 6:45, a plane crashed into a vacation home in Gearhart... the two on the plane were killed; in the home, there were three injured and three more young children killed. Two of the adults in the home had gone for an early morning walk.... imagine coming home to the catastrophe. The home was being rented for a family reunion. Our prayers are with the families, the neighbors, the town.... It's so sad.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
We've had pretty typical Seaside, Or weather.... cloudy in the am and it starts to clear in the afternoon. Friday we lounged around, walked a bit and and then had lunch at Joe and Rita's. Joe and Jerry left to attempt a golf game, but a larger crowd than expected and a few drops of rain put the nix on that. I came back to our room and proceeded to fall asleep till a bit after 3:10. I was suppose to be back at Joe and Rita's by 3.... oh well.... We were going to be making lefse.... Rita makes the dough, Joe was suppose to be in charge of the griddle.... he was having a few problems, so he passed it on to Jerry, within 10 minutes, the job was passed to me and Rita and I managed to get a good system, keep from buring them and voila! we had lefsa.
The family golf tourney was Saturday and Jillian was also leaving Tacoma to come here for the night. She brought Brian and Bobbin's son, Aaron, with her and dropped him off before coming to our place. Jer was still golfing so she and I went our for Pad Tai. yummy....
That evening, the family reunion took place at Joe and Rita's.... A nice crowd. Pictures were being taken and we got on of just the FOSS group and, as you can see, we weren't quite prepared.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
To the Coast - Oregon that is!
Well we got off without a hitch and had a nice leisurely drive to Seaside. Stopped for lunch at Montesano.... My car got 43 miles to the gallon so we were both pretty tickled. Lots of new building here at Seaside.... and I mean some BIG buildings where little homes use to be. Progress I guess! Went and saw Joe and Rita for a while, then walked for a bite to eat at Vista Cafe. While we were there, we saw Brian and Bobbin and Bobbin's parents. Nice chat. Kinda windy this evening, so we're snuggled in at the hotel and just getting ready to turn the tube on. Nite, nite to you all!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
City of Roses!
Fun train trip.... better than a plane for comfort.... got to Portland Station, wish we still had the old Union Station in Tacoma up and running, they're so majestic. Hotel is nice and we arrived to a bottle of wine and some yummy cookies in our room, can't complain about that. Check out the fun robes they supplied.
Most of Saturday was in meetings.... eventually started going over grant requests... we'll continue that today. Had a dinner at Dawn and Russell's. They house and the view of the topography is gorgeous, dinner wasn't too bad either. Kabobs!
So today we finish up, Jerry and I hope to find a bridge in the city over water (and without a car since we don't have one!). Portland is what I wish Tacoma could be.... sigh....
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Tall Ships Festival in Tacoma
Okay, this isn't really a "travel", but I've been working like heck for the festival.... July 3 - 7th.... well, as a volunteer. The whole family is. I'm working in the VIP Tents and since we were shorthanded, both Jerry and Jillian also helped in my area (Jer was originally just scheduled 2 days and Jilli 1 day to work). I really didn't get to see all the ships... just too tired after working, lots of walking back and forth. Boy, though, I sure was official. I even had a radio on... you know, like the police wear. The place is so big we had supervisors in areas (that would be me) and Jahnna was our "boss". Was really fun listening to all the background stuff... Anyway, I've attached some pics of the boats... The really big ones were moored right outside where I was working. A couple of the boats were in "Pirates of the Carribean", one in "Mutiny of the Bounty" and there was other trivia. Tomorrow is the last day I
volunteer.... YAHOO....

Monday, June 30, 2008
It's about the seat folks!
Okay... This frustrates me.... more states than not, have no toilet seat covers in the restrooms for women. I'm not just talking at the airports, but even in the cities.... Whoever the toilet seat cover salesperson is, please make it over to the midwest and east coast.... Jeez.....
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Broadway, Outdoors and Tension

Today, we went to services only to find no one was at the church. Ended up they were having their service at a park and coinciding it with a "Hope Walk" they were putting on for young children in Africa with aides. We got to the park and it was really nice. Great music, you just get a snippet in the video below and pretty site....
Lunch got kinda testy.... we had to have a money discussion with Halley and Dan... She never does well.... They both don't process information correctly and conversation deterioates pretty quickly. All is good now...

Friday, June 27, 2008
Thunder and Biodiesel
Today started off early.... went to see a new way of making biodiesel that leaves almost no waste (water, glycerol or anything). Pretty cool.... Lots of really scientific talk... almost had to say... "no comprend". Awesome that scientist out there are working to improve our world.
Came home to a thunderstorm.... was fun... not very big, just dark and some rain. Ciao!
Came home to a thunderstorm.... was fun... not very big, just dark and some rain. Ciao!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I can't believe it!
Good flight, flew over a thunderstorm, got a bit bouncy, but nothing alarming. Now here's the funny part....
After deplaning, Jer had to use the restroom (He had a captive audience next to him on the plane and he chatted non-stop the whole flight, lol... He didn't want to take time on the plane, if you get my drift.... he might lose this guys attention!) Anyway, he went into the restroom, and came out pretty quickly with a really odd look on his face..... THERE WAS A LINE!.... he said, that only happens in the women's restroom... was quite a hoot!
After deplaning, Jer had to use the restroom (He had a captive audience next to him on the plane and he chatted non-stop the whole flight, lol... He didn't want to take time on the plane, if you get my drift.... he might lose this guys attention!) Anyway, he went into the restroom, and came out pretty quickly with a really odd look on his face..... THERE WAS A LINE!.... he said, that only happens in the women's restroom... was quite a hoot!
A Birthday Celebration in Minnesota!
We're off today for H's birthday. Spose to be nice in the burg here, and same goes for there. We have a little robin's nest, in the climbing trellis in the front of the house, where we can see momma keeping her kidlets alive... I think.... haven't heard many peeps, but when we spied on them, they were small, covered in down and snoozing... Hope they're still here when we return!
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